Timarit Eflingar

Guðbrandsdóttir, will strengthen the fight against human trafficking. “The team offers services that were not here before it was started last summer. There was no formal system, it lacked all infrastructure much of which is still miss- ing. There are not enough resources for men. There is no long term assistance, a necessity for trafficking victims. There is no helpline that people can call, no outreach for victims, no awareness raising and no coordinated assistance.” What can we do? Another important component in the fight against human trafficking are the thoughts and behavior of the general public. Logan stresses the importance of the average citi- zen making a contribution. Average people can make a difference by using economic power and social power. “We have to be aware of where and how we spend our money.” People can choose to buy products, like coffee or tea, that are manufactured under humane conditions. The social aspect is thinking about our own behavior, being alert to our surroundings and reacting if we find something suspicious. Logan says people often underestimate what they them- selves can do. It is very often the small things that matter. Where does she find the strength to continue the fight? “The short answer is that I do not want anybody to feel they have no control over their own lives. Its not only about surviving, but living. I do not want anybody to be trafficked. I want people to believe in themselves and have the resources to do what they want in live. I want other people to thrive both in society and within their own lives.” TÍMARIT EFLINGAR-STÉTTARFÉLAGS 31